We accept donation from people who visit our beautiful home and also from kind people from around the world.
There are now more than 100 small children in our community that are very poor, being abused and need opportunity from all of us. I have more than 10 critical cases that we have been dealing i.e., the rape case, cancer and so on that we really need kind support and some efforts from you all

Baan Mai Khao School

Like we have promised ourselves that we would dedicate Baan Ar-Jor for children-in-need in Mai Khao community where we are located. From donation of museum visit till some profit of our Michelin guaranteed restaurant, finally we donate 1,000,000 THB for school renovations. The new renovated school should provided better quality of life and happiness among children and teachers. Next is the teacher’s house renovation because we believe that the happy teachers will create the happy children.


Baan Ar-Jor FOundation

Kasikorn Bank 

Account number: 109-3-34311-1

Our Commitment

We choose to help young children in Baan Mai Khao community because they will be quality adults in the near future.


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We cannot just help children; we really have to rescue their family for wholistic physical and mental support.

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