Baan Ar-Jor

Baan Ar-Jor

Baan Ar-Jor 的意思是曾祖父母的家。 麦考海滩锡矿商人美丽的中国移民后裔豪宅。 这所房子曾作为家庭度假屋。 废弃37年后,第四代人回来了,将度假村打造成普吉岛最美丽的遗产博物馆之家、独享一间客房的民宿和正宗的普吉岛美食餐厅,荣获米其林指南泰国奖。 我们诚挚邀请普吉岛、泰国以及世界各地的人们一起度过感受1936年幸福的一天。
在新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情爆发之初,我们决定将业务转型为利润共享业务,以便拯救更多生命并专注于可持续的生活方式。 现在,我们运营 Baan Ar-Jor 基金会来解决关键问题并培养有需要的幼儿,因为他们应该拥有更美好的未来。

博物馆之家, 普吉岛

一座三层八房的豪宅,融合了中西文化和本土文化,我们保证充满精彩的故事和惊喜,代代相传! 我们保留原始建筑、平面图和所有家具以及我们的私人收藏。 二楼的祖父母新娘房真是令人惊叹。 大堂的艺术家朋友画的牡丹壁画简直令人惊叹。 来自妇女、女孩、老人、残疾人和囚犯的有意义的纪念品,您不容错过。
营业时间:每天上午 10 点至晚上 21 点

餐厅:Toh-Daeng 和 Wo Ai Ni

Baan Ar-Jor 有 2 家餐厅; Toh-Daeng从一开始就位于豪宅原来的用餐区,更注重舒适优雅的用餐体验,而新开业的Wo Ai Ni则适合较大的团体,氛围更热闹。 两家餐厅都提供传统的泰国和当地美食,其味道和品质使我们在 2022 年赢得了米其林“必比登推介”。我们还自豪地推出使用迈考社区主要食材的特别菜单,因为我们完全致力于支持当地社区。
了解有关 Toh Daeng、Wo Ai Ni 和我们丰富菜单的更多信息


我们接受参观我们美丽家园的人们以及来自世界各地的好心人的捐款。 我们社区现在有 100 多名非常贫困、遭受虐待的儿童,需要我们所有人的帮助。 我们正在处理10多个危急案件,比如强奸案、癌症等等,我们真的需要大家的善意支持和努力



The Baba traditional wedding

The Baba traditional wedding ceremony of the “Punte” group (Chinese people in Phuket) has been passed down for many centuries, although some steps may have been simplified for convenience. However, every family tries to preserve the auspicious traditions to ensure good luck and a prosperous future for the bride, groom, and their families. In the […]

Kal, GPA 3.04

Kal, GPA 3.04: After we decided to move her father from the community hospital to Vachira Phuket Hospital in the city, he had a successful cataract surgery. He can now see his daughter’s face more clearly. That is probably the best thing a father could hope for. But the best was yet to come as […]

Please help me and my daughter one more time

“Please help me and my daughter one more time” was what we heard in a frailing voice on the phone from a man with glaucoma. His eye problem disables him from working while he has a wife and a daughter whose lives depend on his earning. Baan Ar-Jor Foundation มูลนิธิบ้านอาจ้อ has been helping this family since […]

The Prisoners in Phuket – Baan Ar-Jor

The Prisoners in Phuket – Baan Ar-JorBaan Ar-Jor provides opportunities for prisoners in Phuket simply wishes that they reform to be a grateful son/ daughter, responsible parent & good human being in our communities once they get out of prison. See more daily story of Baan Ar-Jor -> http://www.facebook.com/baanarjor

The children have grown up and they have no new underwear

“The children have grown up and they have no new underwear, or they’re beyond repairs,” having heard that, Baan Ar-Jor Foundation asked for donation of girls’ underwear and we got overwhelmed supports from our friends. Big big thanks for donators and now these girls have proper underwear for their lives. #baanarjorfoundation

We built a little house that’s now the “home” for a poor family

Our approach to help the poor children and families is multi-dimensions. Here’s an example. Led by Mr. Banlu “Oak”Hongyok, one of the founders, who had built a little house that’s now the “home” for a poor family. We encouraged the parents to grow organic vegetables in the area and Baan Ar-Jor would buy from them […]



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我们不能只帮助孩子; 我们确实也必须拯救他们的家人,以获得全面的身心支持。

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