
迈考社区旅游(CBT)是当地人致力于参与本地区旅游规划、运营执行和发展的创意旅游,对生活质量、幸福社会、循环经济和保护环境产生积极影响 的社区条件,以促进我们的人民和我们的孩子的可持续发展。


迈考海滩 - 机场观景台

这是另一个海滩。 但由于它紧邻普吉岛国际机场跑道,因此是近距离观察起降飞机的绝佳地点。 尝试捕捉飞机的正确瞬间或观察其他人这样做是非常有趣的。 另外,那里的日落令人惊叹。


这座大桥已有 50 多年的历史,仍然是连接普吉岛和攀牙府大陆的唯一陆路通道。 除了对物流的重要性之外,它的中葡设计风格也很漂亮,类似于老城区的房子。 这里是观赏日出和日落的好地方


这个地区的松树像隧道一样排列在海滩边,非常安静,可以一边吹着海风一边散步。 您可能想享受骑马的时刻。 附近有普吉岛骑马俱乐部提供这项服务。


水牛是种植水稻的国家特有的动物。 尽管普吉岛的土地太贵,但当地人觉得有必要为水牛建造一个家园。 这里是几户人家把水牛聚集在一起的地方。 您会看到水牛在该地区自由活动。 您可能还想给它们喂食,甚至为它们洗澡。


该地区的主要寺庙。 与其他寺庙相比,它可能看起来并不壮观或独特,但宝石的内部却很深处。 湖中央有一个小小的冥想圣地,周围环绕着红树林,是许多鸟类的家园。 如果一座寺庙应该给人带来宁静,那么这个地区绝对能满足您的需求,而且是一个多么美妙的地方



每个人都可以看到飞机从远处飞行。 真的很近,就像你几乎可以用手触摸它一样吗? 来到迈考海滩的飞机观景台。 观看和拍照真是太有趣了。 联系我们了解旅游项目。


鼹鼠蟹是一种小型海洋动物,主要发现于迈考地区。 迈考的一些餐厅提供此菜单,因此不容错过。 如果您尝过,为什么不看看渔民是如何捕捞它的呢? 所以你可以去迈考海滩观看他们在田里干活。 这非常有趣,您可能想尝试一下。 联系我们了解旅游项目。


一群在 2004 年海啸中幸存下来的摩根人或“海上吉普赛人”搬到了萨拉辛桥附近的迈考。 他们以渔民为业,还安排乘船前往附近汽车无法到达的海滩,日落时分特别美丽。 联系我们了解旅游项目。


喜欢马吗? 迈考北部有普吉岛骑马俱乐部,您可以租马享受愉快的骑行。 您可以先热身,然后沿着海滩的松树隧道骑行。 从马背上看到的景色多美啊!


在Baan Ar-Jor,有一块种植桑树的区域,他们用它来制作有机桑葚茶。 您可能想亲自采摘桑葚,甚至当场品尝。 Baan Ar-Jor 按公斤出售。


有没有注意到普吉岛周围的海龟符号? 海龟是一种标志,因为这就像海龟在迈考海滩上产卵的传统。 不幸的是,有些海龟在旅途中受伤。 因此,位于JW万豪酒店的海龟基金会负责照顾这些海龟,治愈它们,直到它们安全生存。 您可以参观这个地方并观看游泳的海龟。 另外,每天11点就是喂食时间,你可以去那里观看甚至参与。


行程 1:早安迈考

观看飞机在您头顶“几英尺外”飞过,让您的一天兴奋不已,或者参观小学,看看学生们如何在学校度过一天。 然后在迈考寺庙的红树林湖边安静地漫步。 接下来参观 Baan Ar-Jor,这座拥有 86 年历史的宅邸,然后在米其林认证餐厅 Toh Daeng 享用特色午餐,以普吉岛龙虾为亮点,结束整个行程。

行程 2:晚安迈考

节目以一个有趣的活动开始……捉鼹鼠蟹。 您以前可能尝过油炸鼹鼠蟹。 不过没有也没关系,我们去尝试一下从海里抓一些吧! 会有一位专家向您展示如何自己尝试。 接下来步行一小段路即可到达萨拉辛桥,然后我们将参加由摩根村民安排的日落巡游。 然后参观 Baan Ar-Jor,一座拥有 86 年历史的宅邸,最后在米其林认证餐厅 Toh Daeng 享用以普吉岛龙虾为亮点的特别晚餐,结束整个行程。

行程 3:迈考美好一天

“早上”和“晚上”节目组合成“美好的一天”,呈现迈考的亮点。 多样性包括迈考寺的宁静、机场观看飞机的兴奋、捕捉鼹鼠蟹的乐趣、萨拉辛桥的浪漫日落以及折返。 此外,还可在米其林认证的 Toh Daeng 餐厅享用普吉岛龙虾的独家午餐和晚餐。

Tour 1: Good Morning Mai Khao

Excite your day with watching airplane flying just “a few feet away” over your head or visit primary school and see how students spend their days in school. Then a tranquil stroll by the lake with mangroves in Mai Khao temple. Next is a visit to Baan Ar-Jor, an 86 years old mansion, then conclude […]

Tour 2: Good Evening Mai Khao

The program starts with a little fun activity...mole crab catching. You might have tasted the deep fried mole crab before. But it doesn't matter if you haven't, let's go and try to catch some right from the sea! There'll be an expert showing how then you could try by yourself. Next is a short walk to Sarasin Bridge then we go for a sunset cruise arranged by Morgan villagers. Then a visit to Baan Ar-Jor, an 86 years old mansion, then conclude the program with a special dinner featuring Phuket lobster as highlight at Toh Daeng, a Michelin certified restaurant.

Tour 3: Good Day Mai Khao

A combination of program "Morning" and "Evening" becomes a "Good Day" that presents the highlights of Mai Khao. The diversity ranges from tranquility at Mai Khao temple, excitement of airplane watching at airport, fun with mole crab catching, to romantic sunset at Sarasin bridge, and turning back. Plus, exclusive lunch and dinner with Phuket lobster at the Michelin certified Toh Daeng restaurant.


Nate Dechakul

Owner of the “last rice field” of Phuket located in Mai Khao

Phattaranit Wichianban

Director of Baan Mai Khao school Mrs. Phattaranit Wichianban (Van) was the first child of a traditional Chinese family and, being a girl, she felt the disappointment of the parents. Most family members work as government officers because they believe in serving the people and she was expected to be a nurse. But she didn’t […]

La Varee

Uncle Varee was born a sea gypsy of “Moglen” (sometimes called “Mogan”) over 70 years ago. His ancestors migrated here since 300 years ago to escape from war. He’s now 4th generation and he’s been living here since the beginning. His life is simple, being a fisherman, that he sails to the sea before dawn,

Phra Preeda Pritho, Abbot of Mai Khao temple

Phra (monk) Preeda Pritho, or “Arjan Wek” as called by acquaintances, was born in Phangnga province. He has been in monkhood for 26 years and has been based in Phangnga and in north eastern part of Thailand before serving as abort of Mai Khao temple since 2012, or 11 years ago.

Kamolwat Napadolrungrueang (Chalee), manager at The Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation

Khun Chalee is from Bangkok. Before Phuket, he’s been a marine biologist in Phi Phi, and then 2 years in Maldives where he took care of multiple kinds of sea animals such as sharks, rays, and turtles. As he prefers to stay away from big city life, when manager position at Tha Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation was open, it was the right choice since his experience fits the job and his wife is from Krabi, so he’s familiar with southern people’s way of living.

Wichai Takarnkit (Noom) Head of Reserved Marine Lives Conservation Center

Khun Wichai, or “Noom” has been head of Reserved Marine Lives Conservation Center for 4 years. The center was found in 1990 by Mr. Sombat Sae Iew (Pa Cheng) who initiated buying turtle eggs with his own money to protect turtle babies from natural or human risks until they’re strong enough then to release them to the sea. In 1997, there was correction of trawling law that expands trawling area for boats much closer to the shores, which causes danger to turtles laying eggs on the beach.

La Varee

瓦里叔叔出生于 70 多年前,是“莫格伦”(有时称为“莫干”)的海上吉普赛人。 他的祖先早在300多年前就为了躲避战乱而迁徙到这里。 他现在是第四代了,从一开始就住在这里。

Phattaranit Wichianban

Phattaranit Wichianban女士(Van)是传统华人家庭的第一个孩子,作为一个女孩,她感受到了父母的失望。 大多数家庭成员都担任政府官员,因为他们相信为人民服务,而她被期望成为一名护士......

Nate Dechakul


Phra Preeda Pritho, Abbot of Mai Khao temple

Phra(僧人)Preeda Pritho,或熟人所称的“Arjan Wek”,出生于攀牙府。 他已经出家 26 年了,自 2012 年(即 11 年前)起担任迈考寺的住持之前,一直居住在攀牙府和泰国东北部。

Kamolwat Napadolrungrueang (Chalee), manager at The Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation

Khun Chalee 来自曼谷。 在去普吉岛之前,他曾在皮皮岛担任海洋生物学家,然后在马尔代夫工作了两年,在那里他照顾了多种海洋动物,如鲨鱼、鳐鱼和海龟。

Wichai Takarnkit (Noom) Head of Reserved Marine Lives Conservation Center

Khun Wichai(或“Noom”)已担任海洋生物保护中心负责人 4 年。 该中心由 Sombat Sae Iew 先生(Pa Cheng)于 1990 年创立,他发起用自己的钱购买海龟蛋,以保护海龟宝宝免受自然或人为风险......

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